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Specials Assignments

Choose one special assignment to complete per day.


Each week, choose an item from the Guidance Choice Board.


Each week, choose an activity from the Spanish Choice Board


Each week, choose an activity from the PE Choice Board or one of the 

other options below.

PE Guidelines

PE Option 1: Walking Trail

PE Option 2: Dance Party

PE Option 3: One-Minute Challenges

PE Option 4: Outdoor Free Choice


Each week, choose an activity from the Music Choice Board.


Each week, choose an activity from the Art Choice Board.

Choose Love

On Wednesdays, students should complete the Guidance activity OR choose an option from the Kindness Choice Board.  


Forest Friday

On Fridays, get outside if possible! Take a walk, a hike, garden, explore nature, or choose an option from the Forest Friday Choice Board.

Learning Tips
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Movement Breaks

Depending on personality, your child may require frequent movement breaks throughout the day. These are encouraged! Ideas: jumping jacks, stretches, yoga poses, short walks, wall push-ups. A great resource for movement breaks is Go Noodle.



Time to reflect on learning is essential. By simply asking your child what he/she did for writing today, you are providing time for the learning to sink in. Initiate these types of conversations and encourage your learner to express his/her understanding!

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